Sunday, April 12, 2009

Reflections from Brazil - Week 1

  • Don't ask to use the bathroon in a sangria bottling sweat shop/factory. It makes a gas station bathroom in Gary, IN look inviting!
  • Pig intestine is salty.
  • If you look Brazilan people assume you know the language.
  • Giving the o.k. symbol can be highly offensive if you happen to tilt your hand in the wrong direction. I'm sticking with the thumbs up these days.
  • You shouldn't eat with your fingers. However, it's excessive to cut your grilled cheese breakfast sandwich into 105 pieces. After 3 days of slicing & dicing my host Mom did a grilled cheese consumption demonstration. Wudda been good to know on day 1!
  • Brazilian cows eat cactus. And I thought I suffered from heart burn?!
  • Capacity recommendations in a vehicle means nothing. 8 people in a S-10 truck with no A/C is how we roll.
  • Internet connection in Brazil is about as speedy as me in the morning.
  • If you're on the cusp of laughing don't make eye contact with Emily.
  • When you're in the shower repeat to your self the following phrases: don't drink the water & don't open your mouth. I learned from Charlot's role in Sex & the City.

1 comment:

  1. What's better than a grilled cheese for Breakfast?!?!? And regarding the last one... HAHAHAHAHA!
