Monday, April 6, 2009

Played some soccer

Our host's Grandfather played a major role in building the Olinda footeball (soccer) stadium/club. We had a private tour. We have been treated like royalty. Every establishment has rolled out the red carpet for us.


  1. Ha! This is awesome.....I see future career for you Lou.

  2. OK, now I'm definitely envious of you guys! Good thing you brought jerseys. I hope you're having an amazing time, tell the rest of the team I said hi. Noah

  3. Thanks for the well wishes Noah. We wish you could be here with us too! Funny story about the brochure & powerpoint translationsslides. I have 17 speeling errors in the translated version of the brochure.... AND mine is much better than Chip & Matts. I guess we should have been a bit more picky w who did the translations! Ha!

  4. Sister Heather, it was a buffet so i can´t begin to tell you what was on it! Too funny! Last night i had chicken heart tho. Barf! E
    Everyone was watching so i couldnt do the napkin trick.
